Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Week One Readings

The Vaughn Article
The library sounds fantastic, with all it's technological bells and whistles, and short term sustainability of it all seems possible, but what about long term? I know nothing about funding, etc. for academic libraries, so maybe the financial sustainability isn't a problem. But with changing technologies, companies merging, going under, plain old newer and better coming along, to keep up the current level of services appeaers to be a ginormous undertaking.

OCLC Report
Coming from a background in public libraries, I identify with the bits of information being demanded by consumers. Kids need information for an assignment, but when you offer a plethora of information related to what they need, they remind you that they "only need to know about _______." On the ringtones, wallpaper, snippets of entertainment, even the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus has a ringtone you can download, and you can watch snippets of the circus on their website.

Lynch Essay
I think being Information Literate without being having basic Information Technology Literacy skills is next to impossible. On the other hand, I wonder if those who are IT Literate need to be Information Literate?

I Commented on...

1 comment:

Laura said...

Very cool about the Circus' ringtones.

I agree with your thoughts on the Vaughn article. I too wonder how they will be able to keep the library current in the years to come.