Friday, November 21, 2008

Week 12 Readings

Even though the article was old-ish (by technology standards) I liked the definitions it gave for frequently heard terms.

Using a Wiki to manage a library instruction program:
Much less time consuming than sending things around in those "routing" envelopes! It was nice to see a real world example in the ETSU paragraph.

Creating the academic folksonomy:
Another good article, especially the examples given. And at the end, wondering if librarians are ready to give up the reins to allow folksonomies to actually exist.

I watched this after dinner at my parents' house, and my dad and brother in law actually stopped watching thier tv show about how safety goggles are made (whooo...) to watch/listen to this. What I thought was a little weird is how he pretty much called himself the "King of Wikipedia" and that it seems like he (even though the Wikipedians pretend that he doesn't) has total comtrol over the venture.

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